Phase Function
About Online computation C++ Class Mathematica Package Matlab function R function
C++ Class and example
Listing of PhaseFunction.h
  1 //--------------------------------------------------------------
  2 // PhaseFunction.h
  3 //
  4 // This is C++ header file, and along with,
  5 // provides a class definition and implementation for computing
  6 // phase function as reported in
  7 //    A Phase Function to Quantify Serial Dependence between Discrete Samples.
  8 //    Ramana Dodla and Charles J. Wilson.
  9 //    Biophys J. 2010 February 17; 98(4): L5-L7.
 10 //
 11 //
 12 // Author: Ramana Dodla, 2011.
 13 //
 14 // Typical calling sequence:
 15 //    InputSequenceFirst(A);  // A is a vector of spike times or discrete events.
 16 //    InputSequenceSecond(B); // B is the same or another vector of spike times or discrete events.
 17 //    ComputePhaseFunction(lag_start, lag_end, lag_step);
 18 // Then the output is available as vectors in:
 19 //    Lag and Psi  
 20 //
 21 // At the cost by doing a copying operation for each call,
 22 // you could repeately call the following function at single lag values
 23 // and get phase function as a return value:
 24 //    ComputePhaseFunction(lag);
 25 //
 26 // See the example program listing later in this file.
 27 //--------------------------------------------------------------
 28 #ifndef PHASEFUNCTION_H_
 29 #define PHASEFUNCTION_H_
 30 #include <iostream> // cout
 31 #include <cmath> // sqrt
 32 #include <vector>
 33 #include <algorithm> // min
 34 #include <numeric> // accumulate
 36 class PhaseFunction
 37 {
 38  public:
 39   PhaseFunction();
 40   ~PhaseFunction();
 41   void InputSequenceFirst(const std::vector<double>& A); // input: vector A
 42   void InputSequenceSecond(const std::vector<double>& B); // input: vector B
 43   double ComputePhaseFunction(double lag); // for computing phase function at one lag value.
 44   void ComputePhaseFunction(double lag_start, double lag_end, double lag_step); //... at many values.
 45   std::vector<double> Lag;  //output: Lag[i] is the lag
 46   std::vector<double> Psi;  //output: Psi[i] is phase function at Lag[i]
 48  private:
 49   std::vector<double> _A, _B, _Bcopy;
 50   std::vector<double> _gamma, _delta, _c;
 51   void _ComputePhasePairs();
 52   void _ComputePhaseDrifts();
 53   double _ComputeAvePhaseDrift();
 54   void _err_A();
 55   void _err_B();
 56   void _err_lag();
 57 };
 58 #endif // PHASEFUNCTION_H_
 60 /* 
 61 // ....example program:
 63 #include <iostream>
 64 #include <vector>
 65 #include "PhaseFunction.h"
 67 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
 69   double X[] = { 0, 0.18595, 0.33955, 0.4997, 0.61495, 0.7413, 0.9024, 1.08125, 1.2001, 1.37285,
 70                  1.5084, 1.65105, 1.7984, 1.9283, 2.05115, 2.1797, 2.33295, 2.46965, 2.6048, 2.7382,
 71                  2.86875, 3.04065, 3.1876, 3.327, 3.4601, 3.6072, 3.76645, 3.95745, 4.11405, 4.2476,
 72                  4.42185, 4.60135, 4.737, 4.85865, 4.9919, 5.14455, 5.26175, 5.3947, 5.53255, 5.67475,
 73                  5.8135, 5.9587, 6.1078, 6.24605, 6.36345, 6.5113, 6.65755, 6.8065, 6.9528, 7.12085 };
 75   // ....Get vector A:
 76   // std::vector<double> A(X, X+sizeof(X)/sizeof(double)); // Take all of X
 77   unsigned int n=7; // or choose a few data points from X
 78   std::vector<double> A(X, X+n);
 80   // ....Get vector B:
 81   // ....none
 83   // ....Give inputs:
 84   PhaseFunction PF;
 85   PF.InputSequenceFirst(A);
 86   PF.InputSequenceSecond(A); // ....seeking auto-phase function.
 88   // ....Compute Phase Function:
 89   PF.ComputePhaseFunction(0.0, 0.5, 0.001); // ....from, to, step
 90   for(unsigned int i=0; i<PF.Lag.size(); i++) {
 91     std::cout << << " " << << std::endl;
 92   }
 94   // ....Compute Phase Function (second way):
 95   //for(int i=0; i<50; i++) {
 96   //  std::cout << i*0.01 << " " << PF.ComputePhaseFunction(i*0.01) << std::endl;
 97   //}
 99   return 0;
100 }
102 */
Listing of
  1 //--------------------------------------------------------------
  2 //
  3 //
  4 // This is C++ class implementation file, and along with PhaseFunction.h,
  5 // provides a class definition and implementation for computing
  6 // phase function as reported in
  7 //    A Phase Function to Quantify Serial Dependence between Discrete Samples.
  8 //    Ramana Dodla and Charles J. Wilson.
  9 //    Biophys J. 2010 February 17; 98(4): L5-L7.
 10 //
 11 //
 12 // Author: Ramana Dodla, 2011.
 13 //
 14 // Typical calling sequence:
 15 //    InputSequenceFirst(A);  // A is a vector of spike times or discrete events.
 16 //    InputSequenceSecond(B); // B is the same or another vector of spike times or discrete events.
 17 //    ComputePhaseFunction(lag_start, lag_end, lag_step);
 18 // Then the output is available as vectors in:
 19 //    Lag and Psi  
 20 //
 21 // At the cost by doing a copying operation for each call,
 22 // you could repeately call the following function at single lag values
 23 // and get phase function as a return value:
 24 //    ComputePhaseFunction(lag);
 25 //
 26 // See the example program listing at the end of PhaseFunction.h file.
 27 //--------------------------------------------------------------
 28 #include "PhaseFunction.h"
 29 //
 30 // InputSequenceSecond() is the constructor. No arguments allowed.
 31 //
 32 PhaseFunction::PhaseFunction(){}
 33 //
 34 // ~InputSequenceSecond() is the destructor.
 35 //
 36 PhaseFunction::~PhaseFunction(){}
 37 //
 38 // InputSequenceSecond(vector<double>&) takes in a double vector A.
 39 //
 40 void PhaseFunction::InputSequenceFirst(const std::vector<double>& A) {
 41   _A = A;
 42   _err_A();
 43 }
 44 //
 45 // InputSequenceSecond(vector<double>&) takes in a double vector B.
 46 //
 47 void PhaseFunction::InputSequenceSecond(const std::vector<double>& B) {
 48   _B = B;
 49   _Bcopy = B;
 50   _err_B();
 51 }
 52 //
 53 // ComputePhaseFunction(lag) computes the phase function at a single value of
 54 //    the lag (given as argument) and returns it as a double.
 55 //    The vectors Lag and Psi are also accessible as member variables, but will
 56 //      be of length 1.
 57 //
 58 double PhaseFunction::ComputePhaseFunction(double lag) {
 59   Lag.clear();
 60   Psi.clear();
 61   for(size_t i = 0; i < _B.size(); i++){
 62     _B[i] = _Bcopy[i] + lag;
 63   }
 64   Lag.push_back(lag);
 65   Psi.push_back(_ComputeAvePhaseDrift());
 66   return;
 67 }
 68 //
 69 // ComputePhaseFunction(lag_start, lag_end, lag_step) computes the phase function
 70 //    for a range of values starting from lag_start in steps of lag_step up to lag_end,
 71 //    and stores the lag and phase function values in the vectors: Lag, Psi.
 72 //    You can access them as member variables of the class instance.
 73 //
 74 void PhaseFunction::ComputePhaseFunction(double lag_start, double lag_end, double lag_step) {
 75   double lag_diff = lag_end-lag_start;
 76   size_t nsteps;
 77   if(lag_step == 0.0) nsteps = 0;
 78   else {
 79     double d_nsteps = lag_diff / lag_step;
 80     if(d_nsteps < 0) _err_lag();
 81     nsteps = size_t (d_nsteps);
 82   }
 83   Lag.clear();
 84   Psi.clear();
 85   size_t ix = 0;
 86   do {
 87     double lag_now = lag_start + (ix++) * lag_step;
 88     for(size_t i = 0; i < _B.size(); i++){
 89       _B[i] = _Bcopy[i] + lag_now;
 90     }
 91     Lag.push_back(lag_now);
 92     Psi.push_back(_ComputeAvePhaseDrift());
 93   } while(ix <= nsteps);
 94 }
 95 //
 96 // _ComputeAvePhaseDrift() computes the phase function
 97 //    and returns it as a double.
 98 // This function makes use of the struct Accum defined below
 99 //    in computing the sum of absolute values
100 //
101 struct Accum { // This struct is used in _ComputeAvePhaseDrift() below.
102   double operator()(double d1, double d2){return std::fabs(d1) + std::fabs(d2);}
103 };
104 double PhaseFunction::_ComputeAvePhaseDrift() {
105   _ComputePhaseDrifts();
106   double thetadrift = std::accumulate(_c.begin(), _c.end(), 0.0, Accum()) / _c.size();
107   return thetadrift / std::sqrt(2.0);
108 }
109 //
110 // _ComputePhaseDrifts() computes the phase drifts c_i
111 //    and stores them in the vector: _c
112 //
113 void PhaseFunction::_ComputePhaseDrifts() {
114   _c.clear();
115   _ComputePhasePairs();
116   double mc = std::accumulate(_gamma.begin(), _gamma.end(), 0.0) / _gamma.size();
117   double md = std::accumulate(_delta.begin(), _delta.end(), 0.0) / _delta.size();
118   double f1 = mc * mc + md * md;
119   double f2 = std::sqrt(f1);
120   for(size_t i = 0; i < _gamma.size(); i++) {
121       _c.push_back((f1-_gamma[i] * mc-_delta[i] * md) / f2);
122   }
123 }
124 //
125 // _ComputePhasePairs() computes the phase pairs (gamma, delta)
126 //    and stores them in the two vectors: _gamma, _delta
127 //
128 void PhaseFunction::_ComputePhasePairs() {
129   size_t i = 1, j = 1;
130   double T=std::max(_A[0], _B[0]);
131   _gamma.clear();
132   _delta.clear();
133   while(i < _A.size() && j < _B.size()) {
134     if(_A[i] >= _B[j]) {
135       if(_A[i-1] >= _B[j]) {
136         T = _A[i-1];
137         j = j + 1;
138       }
139       else {
140         _gamma.push_back((_B[j] - T) / (_A[i] - _A[i-1]));
141         _delta.push_back((_B[j] - T) / (_B[j] - _B[j-1]));
142         T = _B[j];
143         j = j + 1;
144       }
145     }
146     else {
147       if(_B[j-1] >= _A[i]) {
148         T = _B[j-1];
149         i = i + 1;
150       }
151       else {
152         _gamma.push_back((_A[i] - T) / (_A[i] - _A[i-1]));
153         _delta.push_back((_A[i] - T) / (_B[j] - _B[j-1]));
154         T = _A[i];
155         i = i + 1;
156       }
157     }
158   }
159 }
160 //
161 // _err_A() is a function that emits a message if vector A's length is < 3
162 //
163 void PhaseFunction::_err_A(){
164   if(_A.size() < 3) {
165      std::cout << "ERROR: size of A vector is less than 3." << std::endl;
166      return;
167   }
168 }
169 //
170 // _err_B() is a function that emits a message if vector B's length is < 3
171 //
172 void PhaseFunction::_err_B(){
173   if(_B.size() < 3) {
174      std::cout << "ERROR: size of B vector is less than 3." << std::endl;
175      return;
176   }
177 }
178 //
179 // _err_lag() is a function that emits a message if you can't reach the final lag.
180 //
181 void PhaseFunction::_err_lag(){
182      std::cout << "ERROR: final lag cannot be reached." << std::endl;
183      return;
184 }
185 //========================= END =========================================
Listing of
 1 //
 2 //
 3 //    Computes auto-phase function for spike time sequence of rat globus pallidus in vitro recordings
 4 //
 5 #include <iostream>
 6 #include <vector>
 7 #include "PhaseFunction.h"
 9 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
11   double X[] = { 0, 0.18595, 0.33955, 0.4997, 0.61495, 0.7413, 0.9024, 1.08125, 1.2001, 1.37285,
12                  1.5084, 1.65105, 1.7984, 1.9283, 2.05115, 2.1797, 2.33295, 2.46965, 2.6048, 2.7382,
13                  2.86875, 3.04065, 3.1876, 3.327, 3.4601, 3.6072, 3.76645, 3.95745, 4.11405, 4.2476,
14                  4.42185, 4.60135, 4.737, 4.85865, 4.9919, 5.14455, 5.26175, 5.3947, 5.53255, 5.67475,
15                  5.8135, 5.9587, 6.1078, 6.24605, 6.36345, 6.5113, 6.65755, 6.8065, 6.9528, 7.12085 };
17   // ....Get vector A:
18   // std::vector<double> A(X, X + sizeof(X) / sizeof(double)); // Take all of X
19   unsigned int n = 7; // ....or choose a few data points from X
20   std::vector<double> A(X, X+n);
22   // ....Get vector B:
23   // ....none
25   // ....Give inputs:
26   PhaseFunction PF;
27   PF.InputSequenceFirst(A);
28   PF.InputSequenceSecond(A); // ....seeking auto-phase function.
30   // ....Compute Phase Function:
31   PF.ComputePhaseFunction(0.0, 0.5, 0.001); // ....from, to, step
32   for(unsigned int i = 0; i < PF.Lag.size(); i++) {
33     std::cout << << " " << << std::endl;
34   }
36   // ....Compute Phase Function (second way):
37   //for(int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
38   //  std::cout << i * 0.01 << " " << PF.ComputePhaseFunction(i * 0.01) << std::endl;
39   //}
41   return 0;
42 }